Wednesday 27 July 2016


In the past  in Africa ,it was believed that love grows when you get to know more about a person , especially when you live under the same roof,or same neighborhood. what happened was, when a Man is ready for marriage he will have to inform his parents to arrange for a good lady for him or if he finds a lady that he thinks best suites him, he still informs his parents about it before taking any other step. Either way, a thorough background check is made on the lady and her family. 
When the Man’s Family is satisfied, they approach the lady’s family for permission to Marry the lady. The Lady’s family will then ask for sometime to inform or consult the extended family or th. During this period, the Lady’s family will also conduct a background check on the Man’s family to make sure their royal (the lady) is going to a good home.
This processes forced families to put their Son’s and Daughters in check to prevent embarrassment. Polygamy was also reasonable in those days because of the background check.
A lot of scholars have argued that this culture should have at least been modified but not thrown away. Other Scholars think it was more or less like slavery.

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